Jack The Joker
No. Drawn - 13 |
Our ever popular Jack the Joker fundraiser continues this Sunday night
in Alice O’Connor’s Bar where the jackpot is €2750. On Sunday night last Amanda
McCarthy was drawn out and chose card number 13 which wasn’t the Joker although
she did win €50. Brian O’Connor and Catherine Power won €25 each. As well as our group of ticket sellers tickets
can be purchased from Convenience Store Ballinroad, Village Flowers, Spar, Mousies
Takeaway, Minnies Bar and Crotty’s Corner Bar.
Our Annual General Meeting took place in Abbeyside School Hall on Friday
night last and it was great to see such a big crowd not alone present but also
contribute to a very informative and constructive debate on a number of
matters. Club Treasurer Packie Hurney once again presented an excellent set of
accounts which laid out very clearly the huge costs associated with running our
club and meeting our obligations arising from our recent development works.
Packie was deservedly praised for the huge time and commitment he puts into administering
our accounts, one which carries a huge burden in a voluntary organisation.
Jonathan O’Donovan’s Secretary’s report covered every aspect of our Club’s
activities over the past 12 months and again Jonathon was thanked not alone for
producing such a good report but also for the efficient manner in which he
carries out his job throughout the year.
In his Chairman’s address Bernard Shields gave an excellent speech where
he thanked all those who worked so hard for both the Adult and Juvenile
Sections during the year. Whilst it was disappointing to end the year without
any Senior Honours this year Bernard thanked the players and managers for their
commitment and called for a big effort on the playing fields next year. Bernard
also paid special tribute to all those who worked so tirelessly on our Club
Development work not alone this year but also over the past 4 years. It is
worth noting that since we began these works in excess of €450,000 has been
spent in the club grounds, which is a remarkable figure in such difficult
economic circumstances. Bernard also said it is great to see the new pitch
ready for use in 2015 and indeed two matches took place on the pitch over the
last number of days.
The election of officers then took place with the following elected:-
Presidents: Austin Flynn, Liam
Enright, Éamonn Keane, Joseph Organ, Jimmy O'Leary, Fr. Michael Enright, P.E.
Vice Presidents: Fr. Michael Brennock, OSA,
Fr. Colin Fives, OSA, Fr. Ned Hassett, PP.
Chairman: Bernard Shields
Vice Chairman: Frank Sweeney
Secretary: Jonathan O'Donovan
Assistant Secretary: Éamonn Cashin
Treasurer: Pakie Hurney
PRO: Neil Moore
Membership Officer: Kevin Tobin
Players' Representative: Gavin Breen
Committee: Niamh Enright, Michael Ferncombe, Audrey Hallahan,
Seamie Murray, Jim O'Mahony, Michael O'Donovan, Ian Kiely, Brendan Mansfield, Seán
McGrath, Seán Kiely, Pa McGovern, Eddie O’Halloran, Pa Enright.
National Draw
Tickets for the GAA National Draw are currently on sale from any member
of our club committee and the adult players. There are some fantastic prizes on
offer in the draw with tickets costing €10 each. For anyone who purchases their
tickets before Christmas we will be holding an internal raffle where the usual
selection of Christmas Hamper and other prizes will be on offer. Therefore we
urge all our club supporters to please support this Draw as not only will you
be helping us raise funds required to run the club but you will also be entered
into not one but two draws for wonderful prizes.
Club Bingo
Our Club Bingo will continue this Sunday night in the CBS Hall where the
jackpot is €450.
County Awards Night
On behalf of all in the club we would like to wish Shane Briggs the very
best of luck ahead of this Friday night’s County Awards night where he
nominated for Footballer of the Year. It was a great week for the Briggs family
as Shane’s sister Niamh was nominated for RTE’s Sports Personality of the Year
Award. We ask all our members to please vote for Niamh for this award.
Munster Club
We would like to congratulate Modeligo on their truly fantastic victory
in the Munster Final last Sunday against Castlemartyr in Mallow and we wish
them and Cappoquin both the very best of luck in the All Ireland Series in the
New Year.