With the new
season rapidly approaching, we would like to emphasis the importance of getting
your membership paid as soon as possible. If you have not already done so,
please contact our membership officer Kevin Tobin on 087 9954448 to arrange
payment. From a playing perspective it is compulsory that you are a member as
it ensures you are included in the insurance scheme. Rates for this year are
Adult €150 / Student €75, Married Couple (non-playing) €70, Single
(non-playing) €50 and OAP €40. Of course, members of our 300 Club are fully
Our regular Sunday
night Bingo continues every week in the CBS Hall. Eyes down at 8.00pm.
Abbeyside Junior camogie girls did us proud in representing
the club this weekend at the Jean O'Loughlin Memorial tournament. Our new away
jerseys sponsored by Ballycoe Landscaping got their first day out!
What a wonderful tribute to Jean, thanks
to St Anne’s for inviting us, and well done on such a great day. All funds
raised will be donated to ACT (actformeningitis)
Abbeyside Camogie |
Abbeyside Camogie will also join this year’s
St Patrick’s Day parade, meeting at Centra Abbeyside at 1.30 collection in
Dunnes Stores car park beside Aldi afterwards.
Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone, enjoy the