Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Club Notes - 9th December

Jack The Joker
No. Drawn - 22
Our ever popular Jack the Joker fundraiser continues this Sunday night in Minnies Bar where the jackpot is €7,600 as on Sunday night last Eleanor Hickey was drawn out of the drum and chose card number 22 which wasn’t the Joker although she did win €50. Jane and Wayne and Ken and Jim won €25 each.  As well as our group of ticket sellers tickets can be purchased from Convenience Store Ballinroad, Village Flowers, Spar, Mousies Takeaway, Minnies Bar and Crotty’s Corner Bar.

Our Annual General Meeting took place in St Laurance’s Hall, Ballinroad on Friday night last. Chairman Bernard Shields got the meeting underway by welcoming all those present after which Treasurer Packie Hurney presented the Club Accounts which showed that once again the club to be in a good a financial position despite paying back the loans on our development work. Packie was praised for the work he put into not alone preparing the accounts for the AGM, but for the work he put into the club finances all year. Next on the agenda was the Secretary’s Report and once again Jonathan O’Donovan produced a very detailed report on all areas of club activity during 2015. All in the club are aware of the many hours put in by Jonathan in administering the club business and we are fortunate to have somebody so diligent carrying out this role.
It was then time for the Chairman’s Address where Bernard Shields thanked all those who worked for the club in 2015 in any way. Bernard appealed for more people to get involved in the club in 2016 to help in any way they feel they can help. Bernard thanked all the players who played for any of our teams during 2015 and while we would all have wished for a more successful year on the playing fields, it was still a year which saw us win Divisional and County Honours at Adult Level as well as many Underage Titles. The election of officers saw the election of the following officers:-

Chairman: Bernard Shields
Vice Chairman: Frank Sweeney
Secretary: Jonathan O’Donovan
Assistant Secretary: Éamonn Cashin
Treasurer: Packie Hurney
PRO: Neil Moore
Membership Officer: Kevin Tobin
Committee: Niamh Enright, Pa McGovern, Jim O’Mahony, Audrey Hallahan, Joe Cleary, Brendan Mansfield, Michael O’Donovan.

National Draw
Once again this year the GAA are holding a National Draw with tickets costing €10 each. There are some fantastic prizes on offer and like last year we are holding a Christmas Raffle for all those who purchase tickets for the National Draw before Christmas. Tickets are now available from Committee members and team managers.

Club Bingo
This Sunday our Bingo will continue in the CBS Hall where the Jackpot is €400.

On behalf of all in the club we would like to send our deepest sympathies to the family and many friends of the late Kathleen Woods (nee Organ), Shears Street, Abbeyside who passed away last week. Kathleen’s family has many connections with our club for generations on the playing field and they continue to support the club today. Once again we send our sympathies to Kathleen’s husband John, daughter Patricia and son Seán on their loss.
We would also like to send our sympathy to the family of the late Kevin Keating, Leamybrien who passed away recently. Kevin was a familiar face to the field workers in the club as he often helped out with maintaining the machinery in the field.

Club History
Abbeyside / Ballinacourty GAA Club was formed in 1967 as a result of the amalgamation of Abbeyside Hurling and Football Clubs and Ballinacourty Football Club. It is situated within the Parish of Abbeyside, Ballinroad and Garranbane. Located on the eastern side of the River Colligan, it forms the northern and eastern shorelines of Dungarvan Harbour from Abbeyside Church to Ballinacourty Lighthouse
Development Fund
Abbeyside/Ballinacourty GAA Club has been growing at a dramatic pace over the past 10 years with the population of our parish increasing rapidly. We must ensure that we have the best facilities for all our players. We want to ensure that the next generation have the facilities that they need and deserve. We are asking supporters and friends to support this project over the next five years.
Strategic Plan
Past generations have had their visions for the future of our club. These are our current aims and with these achieved we hope to hand on the club to future generations in the same healthy state it was passed onto us.
Abbeyside/Ballinacourty GAA Club, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland.
Website by: Déise Design