Outdoor Hurling
Our underage outdoor hurling continues this Saturday
morning the 7th June at the Burgery at 10.30 am. All are welcome.
This covers all age ranges from under 5 to under 10. Anyone who has not paid
their membership yet is asked to pay it on the morning for insurance reasons.
Membership forms will also be given out on the morning. Helmets are compulsory
and if required can be purchased at a reduced price of €50. There will be a €2 cost
also to cover expenses.
Bag Pack
Our annual bag pack took place last weekend in Garveys
Supervalu, Dungarvan. The juvenile club would like to thank all those who
supported us. We would also like to thank all those who filled slots over the
weekend and all those who helped out in any way. Without these dedicated people
this event would not have been the success it was .Thank you to all.
Under 13
Our under 13 footballers lost the county final of the
football championship on Saturday last at Walsh Park to Gaultir. While we
looked tired on the day we must admit we lost to an all round better team.
However the lads can be very proud of their efforts and everyone in the club
would like to thank them and their mentor’s efforts throughout the year.
Golden Goal
We would ask that any money not returned yet from the
Golden Goal would be returned as soon as possible.